What to Eat Before & After a Workout

oatmeal2Burning nutrition question time! Ready, set, go.

“What should I eat before and after a workout? And give me specifics, if you please.”

Hey, good questions – and way to be direct. For our purposes, let’s assume you’re hitting an intense, interval-based Freestyle class like Throwdown or Fighter Physique. In either case, the operative words are “intense” and “intervals.” You’re going to fuel up beforehand so you can energy to get through the class, and then you’ll need the right fuel afterward to recover. Let’s break it down.

Before Getting your Sweat On

Shoot for pre-fuel about an hour before your workout so you have time to digest and you get that energy boost. Accessible complex carbs paired with protein (like tuna and gluten-free crackers) and foods high in fiber that also span appropriate macronutrients (like nuts and seeds) are a good choice. Other options:

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal with almond milk
  • 1/2 Greek yogurt with a handful of fresh berries
  • A minimally processed fruit and nut bar, like Lara Bar
  • Half a banana and a spoonful of almond butter

We can hear the follow-up questions already: “What if I’m working out early in the am? What if eating before I work out makes me want to throw up?” If you’re training at six am, getting up at five to eat can be rough. In that case, give it a whirl on an empty stomach and see how you feel. If you have the juice to get through class, awesome. If not, try half a Lara bar or that half of a banana just so you have something to run on. And if eating before training upsets your belly, try eating a light meal ninety minutes ahead of time so you have time to digest everything.

post-workout-fuelAfter the Burn

Keep the benefits of that workout going – get your protein in! Because guess what happens when you don’t – you starve your muscles of the nourishment they need to repair themselves, and that’s a crying shame. Get your protein down within 30 to 45 minutes after training, and you’ll also keep your blood sugar balanced. Quick options:

  • Scoop of protein powder with a spoonful of pumpkin puree and water
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with a sprinkling of dried fruit and granola
  • Egg white scramble with sweet potato

During a workout, skip the Gatorade for good ol’ water. Drink it down all day long, and especially after (and during if you need it) your workouts.

Have a burning fitness or nutrition question? Fire away in the comments and we’ll write a post answering it!

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