Weight Loss or Fitness Resolution? Start Here.

If fitness is part of your New Year’s resolutions – and if you’re like most Americans, it is – Resolve to Evolve is where to begin. And we’re not just saying that because we know how awesome and effective our fitness challenges are. Nope, it’s because there are actual studies backing us up. Want to […]

How to Lose the Christmas Five in Eight Weeks

Between all the goodies in the break room, the holiday parties, Christmas dinner itself, modified schedules and that whole eat, drink and be merry thing, it’s not uncommon to add a few pounds between November and January. The Christmas five is one of the reasons so many folks make a New Year resolution to “lose weight!” […]

5 Q&As about the Resolve to Evolve Fitness Challenge

Sign-ups for our January fitness challenge, Resolve to Evolve, are coming in fast and furious. It’s more than just a truly brilliant Christmas gift – it’s the hands-down best deal in town for anyone ready to get serious about moving into a healthy lifestyle. Here are some burning questions we’ve received and our helpful answers.