Wait, Cardio is Bad for Me?

cardioEvery so often, some “groundbreaking article” comes along – 0r makes the rounds on social media – screaming that cardio is the devil. That’s a little misleading because guess what, article, everyone has different fitness goals. Sure, if you’re looking to reduce body fat, long sessions of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical at the same intensity are a bad move. But there are plenty of benefits to a good cardio workout that have nothing to do with your pant size.

Just thirty minutes of cardio pumps extra blood to the brain, which means lots of oxygen, glucose and hormones that get it going at optimal speed. And get this – cardio releases chemicals in the brain that enhance things like problem solving, memory and decision making. It also reduces stress levels, makes you feel good and is a surefire tension-buster, thanks to the release of veritable hormone cocktail (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, respectively). It’s like a cup of coffee without the cup of coffee – after a good sweat, you’re more focused and energetic, and your circulation and heart rate pick up. It’s a “positive stress,” that releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals, with lasting effects.

This bizarro opponents of cardio workouts shout that it increases stress hormones and inflammation. But guess what? Just about any exercise you do releases cortisol and results in some level of inflammation. And if it these natural, normal stages of adaptation didn’t happen, well, you’d never get faster or stronger.

Here’s the real truth – there’s a funny reward system for lots of diehard cardio lovers. It goes something like this: “I ran for an hour. Time for some spaghetti!” Remember – diet trumps all. And cross-training without overtraining is the best way to work your heart, lungs and muscles. So shake things up. Move your body in different ways. Don’t do all strength training or all cardio, all the time. We designed our fitness program and schedule to let you do exactly that. Get your burn on in Total Body on Monday. Jump into a heart-pumping kickboxing class on Tuesday. Go short and intense on Wednesday with a lunchtime Fighters class. And then hit cardio again on Friday, and Michon’s resistance/cardio combo boot camp on Saturday morning. Back it all up with adequate nutrition along the way. That’s an awesome and effective week as far as your body and mind goes. And it’s totally doable, allowing for two days of (necessary) rest as well.

Don’t believe the haters – cardio is good for you. Resistance training is good for you too. We’re not all trying to be professional bodybuilders or bikini models, so remember your personal goals and tailor your fitness program to meet them. That’s not so hard, right? And here’s a great way to start – sign up for our next fitness challenge, kicking off April 18! Do with a friend or two and save big bucks on eight weeks of unlimited classes, a solid nutrition plan and a few extra special events.


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