Opening Health and Happiness: Why I Love to Move

danaekickA guest post from our very own Danae Lear. 

I went to a kickboxing class this morning after taking some time off. Being away for a little it always reminds me how much my body enjoys it: I always leave happy.

In my life that’s a big deal. I’m thirty and work full time while raising two boys and my life is filled with worry, stress, anxiety and fear. I’ve tried quite a few things to counteract all that bad and I’ve always come back to exercise. It got me thinking today, what is it specifically that is so wonderful about moving my body?

Well, I had twenty minutes to think about it in the shower and I realized there are quite a few different reasons why any form of physical activity, whether it be kickboxing or running or kayaking or anything that gets your heart pump’en and your pores sweating, leaves me “feeling good”. Of course, it’s much more complicated than that, what with all the chemicals and hormones that are affected by moving my body, but basically in the most human terms it simply comes down to exercise leaves me happy, and here are a few reasons why.

Exercise is community and relationships play a huge role in my health and happiness.  I work out at Freestyle martial Arts and part of the reason I enjoy exercising there is the people I see. Judith. Michelle. Nicki. Tom. After going somewhere long enough you begin to build relationships with people, and building relationships with people is foundational to being happy and fulfilled. Every positive interaction we have with our fellow human beings contributes to our happiness tank. At Freestyle every smile I see, while teaching or simple passing in the hall to grab a drink of water, is a mutual and positive encouragement that contributes to a better mood. I love my Freestyle people.

What’s more, exercise itself is all natural medication. I’ve been on anti-depressants and ADD meds and ultimately my conclusion is this: a good hard workout is just as effective as these meds (at least for me!), plus there is only positive side effects of working out. Working out does not make all other emotions, like being excited or genuinely happy mellow out like the anti-depressant did. Working out helps my brain focus but doesn’t give me dry mouth (the bad breath was horrific!) or sweat excessively for no reason like Adderal did. It is just pure, natural chemical or hormones-I’m not doctor or a scientist so I really have no idea how it works-all I know is that after a hard workout I have clarity as well as the motivation and ability to focus for the day, and the only side affect is that my legs or abs are usually sore, but that’s a side affect I will live with!

Exercise makes me feel strong, which makes me feel sexy, which is good for my marriage, which is good for my kids. The connection to happy, healthy mamas and daddies on their children cannot be underestimated. When parents are healthy and happy, mentally and physically, they are going to raise mentally and physically happy children. And children are the future…

Exercise is prevention. Who knows how many diseases and injuries I’ve prevented-and will prevent-because I regularly move my body.

Exercise is fun. What other activity in my life, as an adult,  can I say is fun? As an adult, our “fun” activities get significantly small…but I love letting my mind rest from the worries of the day while my body gets lost in the combos in my kickboxing class. I find myself simply enjoying doing it. The number one thing I tell my students is to find what they enjoy that involves moving their body and go do it. Don’t even call it exercise. Call it your hobby.

Exercise helps me sleep, which helps me to be on point the next day, and also contributes to my overall health, going back to helping to prevent disease…

Ultimately, exercise brings out my best self. Focused. Accomplished. Strong. Happy.

My husband once told me, when I first was beginning to bring exercise into my everyday life, that “exercise will always give you back so much more than you have to put into it.” and I couldn’t find a truer statement.

I recently went to a home party that sold jewelry. The rep’s selling point was that you can go on a “jewelry diet” by wearing a long necklace and big earrings, and that you don’t have to spend ANY time at the gym!!!!

I think that is so sad that we think exercise is only about being skinnier, and that  “going to the gym” has such a negative connotation to so many people. Putting on some big earrings and a long necklace may make your body look longer (or something) but it will never give your brain the chemicals it needs to focus, or a community of people to call friends, or the satisfaction and enjoyment that comes from actually doing something, like going on a run.

I will say there is a tipping point in exercise. I remember, vaguely-it was so long ago, having the perspective that exercise was a chore and I had to drag my body to do it. For me the tipping point was when I got married. I wondered, what would happen if I ran every day until my wedding? It was about six weeks away. I didn’t make it everyday, but I got pretty close. And what surprised me was that not only did I loose a couple of pounds, I was so. much. happier. I felt good! I found myself missing the days I didn’t get  to run. I found myself wanting to run, not because I was hoping to lose weight, but because of how I felt afterward, and how I felt overall in my life.

Exercise is gift that gives far, far more than a small pants size.


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