How to Develop Consistency in Your Workouts

consistencyThe devil is in the details, isn’t it? You schedule your workouts, you buy your groceries, you plan, you prep. But then, well, then you have to actually do it all, day in and day out. That’s called consistency, baby, and it’s no joke. The truth is, even with the best intentions, we often fail to give our fitness plan enough time to become effective. We’re impatient, see? But just like most things, without consistency, we’re really just spinning our wheels. Here’s how to change that and develop consistency in your workouts.

  • Understand what consistency really means

Don’t set yourself up for failure by assuming that consistency means you must be 100% perfect all the time. Life happens. The goal is to develop healthy habits that you can mostly stick to when it comes to fitness and nutrition. The longer you do something, the better you become at it, and that’s true whether you’re talking about Thai kicks or laundry.

  • Find a training partner or a solid group fitness class

Accountability is big, and knowing that people are expecting you to show up can be motivating when you’re feeling anything but. In class, you’ll feed off that friendly competition, too.

  • Remember that consistency applies to nutrition too

Falling off the nutrition wagon at happy hour with your friends isn’t the end of the world. And it really shouldn’t be the reason you blow the rest of your week. Ideally, you’re following a realistic, moderate plan that doesn’t leave you feeling overly deprived. And when you do indulge, you get right back on track at the very next meal. Remember that convenience is a huge factor when it comes to sticking with your nutrition goals. Prepping meals and having nutritious food ready to go helps us in those hours of need, when the fast food joint becomes tempting or we just skip a much-needed meal.

  • Give yourself time

When good intentions become habits, that’s the point when you aren’t even thinking about prepping or training – it’s just what you do. And here’s the secret to making that happen – in the beginning, you simply need to convince yourself that you can do it, and then give yourself time to get there. 

Ready to commit? Awesome. Come in and try a free class on us, and sign up here to be notified about our next 30-day fitness challenge.


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