30 Days ‘Til Summer – Three Things You Need to Know

freestyle-fitness-30-days-til-summerWe opened our next fitness challenge, 30 Days ‘Til Summer, a few days ago for enrollment, and we’re signing folks up already. This is our very first 30-day fitness challenge at Freestyle, and it’s going to be awesome. Here are three things you need to know about this challenge if you’re on the fence about signing up.

  • The eating plan is included.

While our eight-week challenges come with a nutrition guide, we don’t include a day-by-day, meal-by-meal breakdown. This time, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Since the challenge is short and sweet, nutrition is KEY to a few things. First, you’ll establish healthy habits when it comes to eating. By following our eating plan, you’ll be fueling up with quality nutrition every few hours and drinking lots of water. This is a great system for your body, and the daily repetition for 30 consecutive days is the start to a really great new habit. You’ll find that cravings diminish, your skin looks great from all that water, and you’re giving your body exactly the macros it needs to start running like a fine-tuned engine.

Second, eating so well will show up physically. You may not lose thirty pounds in thirty days – and you shouldn’t, good Lord – but you’ll be pleased with your steady progress. It’s critical that you stick to the plan, which will have a few options per meal, and forgo the Starbucks/In and Out/whatever during the challenge. It’s thirty days. You can do it. Treat yourself to healthy meals – your body will thank you.

And remember, your challenge comes with a special promo code to BFF Cafe, so take advantage of it! Fuel packs are pre-prepared, tasty meals that will fit within your eating plan parameters and they’ll save you time. Convenient, healthy, yummy. Cool, right?

  • You’re rewarded for meeting the challenge requirements.

Again, 30 Days ‘Till Summer is short, which means we need to bring up the intensity. You need to break a sweat and get your muscles working six days a week, which means you’ll be working out 24 days out of the 30-day challenge. Sounds like a lot, right? You can do it! We have 26 classes every week, and at least one class every day of the week. Map your week out ahead of time so you can hit your classes. Maybe that means doubling up on Mondays or Wednesday for Fighters and Total Body, or Saturday mornings for Total Body and kickboxing. Maybe it means setting the alarm on Sunday morning when all you want to do is sleep in. It’s your choice, but we want you to make it happen. Get to class, and make sure to track your attendance by checking in on Facebook.

Keep tabs on your workout by labeling them – 1/24, 2/24, 24/24 woohoo! – and you’ll be rewarded handsomely. Not only will you likely be sleeping better, have more energy, notice improvement in class, feel muscles where you didn’t notice them before, but you’ll also earn a free month of fitness at Freestyle when the challenge ends. Positive reinforcement, yo.

  • You can sign up now, no matter what shape you’re in.

Worried that you can’t keep up? Thinking that this is the kind of thing you need to be in shape to do? Stop right there. The idea is that 30 Days ‘Till Summer will jump-start your fitness, help you create healthy new habits, or, yeah, help you over the hurdle if you have some mental goal of fitness and you’re not quite there yet. Our classes challenge the seasoned athlete, and they’re manageable for the beginner. That’s because everything can be modified to suit you, today, at your current fitness level. You may not be able to complete every movement. You may need to take more frequent breaks. You may feel like throwing up (and you might actually do that). But you can do it. And our instructors are here to help.

There is no reason that you shouldn’t join this challenge. Your body will thank you, and at $130, it’s reasonable for your bank account too. Reserve your spot now, and don’t wait because space is limited.


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