Wait, Cardio is Bad for Me?

Every so often, some “groundbreaking article” comes along – 0r makes the rounds on social media – screaming that cardio is the devil. That’s a little misleading because guess what, article, everyone has different fitness goals. Sure, if you’re looking to reduce body fat, long sessions of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical at the […]

The Very Best Cardio Kickboxing Class

Ten years ago, Freestyle Fitness was one of the only gyms offering cardio kickboxing – an intense 60-minute class consisting of choreographed combos made up of punches and kicks. Every class was jammed and people couldn’t get enough of it. These days, cardio kickboxing classes are everywhere – the $10 gym up the road, the […]

Workouts that Really Work – Really.

We all want to be fit and healthy and strong, right? No matter how those individualized goals shake out – whether it’s knocking out fifteen perfect push ups, running a seven-minute mile, fitting into an old pair of 501s – the general theme remains the same. And in theory, how you accomplish those goals is […]